Aug 1Liked by Lydia Perry

"...from the outside our ears are filled with the racket of the city, the words of those who have accompanied us, the laboring and quarreling of our own thoughts, the disquiet of our hearts’ wishes and worries, hurts and joys. How are we possibly to hear what God is saying? That we listen at all is something; not everyone does. It is even better when we pay attention and make a real effort to understand what is being said. " —Msgr. Romano Guardini

Read this quote today and thought about this blog. :)

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What a beautiful quote that I needed right now. ❤️

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Jul 24Liked by Lydia Perry

I have started reading real books. I never did Kindle or E-Books, so reading has really been online newspapers and social media...I'm ashamed to admit.

As far as noise. I am a no-noise person. I could sit in silence for hours and anything but the quietest music is simply too much. It distracts me from the VERY IMPORTANT chatter in my head. I think I should probably cultivate listening to some kind of music so the VERY IMPORTANT conversation can take a break...

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That’s a true gift to be able to sit in silence! Normally I like to drown out the thoughts in my head with noise, but at times I DO have important conversations in my head that I need to work out without noise.

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